Run MilluNode on one or more computers, so that Millumin can take control and share the workload.
Millumin controls playback of one or more MilluNodes, so you could have additional outputs. Ideal for a museum with several rooms.
From a single Millumin, preview the rendering of each MilluNode. Adapt the quality of the monitoring to save network bandwidth.
Seamless edition within Millumin's interface. Indeed, a canvas behaves the same, whatever it is using local or MilluNode outputs.
MilluNode is optimized for very affordable computers, such as Intel® NUC ones. Of course, it also works on desktop, laptop and Mac computers.
Open Millumin projects. Manage multiple outputs. Adjust mapping. Schedule on a daily or weekly basis.
MilluNode requires a Macintosh with macOS 10.14, or a PC with Windows 10.
Because MilluNode is still in beta, please find below the features we are currently working on :
If you need something, feel free to submit an idea here.
Indeed, it helps us to keep track of user requests, and see their popularity.